La SOMEC lamenta el fallecimiento de la Dra. Marta Luz Sisson de Castro

Ciudad de México, 14 de marzo de 2016.

Los miembros de la Sociedad Mexicana de Educación Comparada lamentamos el sensible fallecimiento de la Dra. Marta Luz Sisson de Castro, Presidenta de la Sociedad Brasileira de Educación Comparada.


Resultado de imagen para moño negro de luto

Marta Luz Sisson de Castro was born in Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil where she lives and teaches at Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul. She currently teaches in the graduate program in education. She started a career in education as a secondary philosophy teacher. She received a Master’s degree in Human Development from the University of Maryland (1976) and Doctorate degree in education from Boston University (1987). She is a full professor of education, and her main research interests are in educational administration where she looked at the challenges of the practices of principals and superintendents of municipal education. She participated in a post-doctoral program (1988-89) at Indiana University receiving support from Capes-Fulbright. She always maintained an interest in international and Comparative Education and had international experience in Canadá, and more recently in Mexico. She was Vice-President for the South Region of the ANPAE (National Association of Policies and Education Administration). She is the President of the Brazilian Society of Comparative Education. She is a researcher of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). She has published several articles and books in Brazil and also internationally. Marta has been a long-time member of ISTE and will host the 2010 Seminar in Brazil.






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