The Third Global Teacher Education Summit, 13-16 October 2017 in Beijing, P.R. China.

Dear Professor,

We extend to you a cordial invitation to the Third Global Teacher Education Summit sponsored by Faculty of Education at Beijing Normal University. The Conference is on 13-16 October 2017 in Beijing, P.R. China.

The theme of the conference is “Envisioning the Teaching and Learning of Teachers for Excellence and Equity in Education”, and the sub-themes of the conference involve envisioning excellence and equity in the education system, educating teachers for diverse educational settings, cultivating teacher professionalism for educational excellence and equity, imagining new praxes of teaching and learning, and fostering leadership capabilities in schools and learning communities. We would like to provide a platform for an international and cross-cultural dialogue among educators and researchers from different parts of the world so that a broad view on the improvement of teachers and teacher education quality can be established.

We sincerely invite you to attend the conference and we will be grateful if this information can be circulated within your institution. For more detailed information on the Summit, please refer to the website: may also contact us by email

We are looking forward to seeing you in Beijing in October 2017. 



Center for Teacher Education Research, Beijing Normal University

No. 19 Xin Jie Kou Wai Street, Haidian District, 

Beijing, China, 100875

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